Sunday, April 29, 2018

Mrs Belthoff

We love it when Mrs. Belthoff comes in for her guidance lesson!
We learn so much and we do yoga too!
Take a peek!

                                                   Yoon and the Jade Bracelet
Essential Question: How can I learn to speak up for myself?
“Children who practice yoga may not only be better able to regulate their emotions, manage stress and calm themselves, studies now show that they may also choose better foods to eat and engage in more physical activity than children who do not.” ~ Binzen, Mira “Yoga for Children–Now Proven Effective!”

I'll leave you with this joke:
Where do fish go to do yoga?
The river bend

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Books in Bloom!

Thank you Jen Algozzini for taking on our Books in Bloom classroom project!
The project came out wonderfully! Take a look at some pictures!

The students had a great time reading the story. Most of them had never heard it so it was a real treat!
Essential question:
How did the characters in The Trumpet of  the Swan respond to major events and challenges.
I'll leave you with this joke:
Q: What do baby swans dance to?
A: Cygnet-ure-tunes!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

DASH in action!

                            DASH stands for Disability Awareness Starts Here!
The purpose of DASH is to create an awareness and sensitivity among children, teachers, and parents to the needs of people who are disabled. Discussions and activities explored each other's uniqueness, strengths and weaknesses, the value of differences and the importance of friends and friendships.
Throughout the program the emphasis was on abilities rather than disabilities and discussions about what a person who is disabled can do.
Take a look at us in action and ask us to share our learning.