Sunday, June 9, 2019

Park Rangers and National Park learning!

We had so much fun learning about the how to be a park ranger. We loved having the Park Ranger from Saugus Iron works visit and teach us about her job. Take a peek at all our learning.

Yellowstone National Park

Grade 2 - Life Science Standards

LS2. Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics 2-LS2-3(MA). Develop and use models to compare how plants and animals depend on their surroundings and other living things to meet their needs in the places they live. Clarification Statement: • Animals need food, water, air, shelter, and favorable temperature; plants need sufficient light, water, minerals, favorable temperature, and animals or other mechanisms to disperse seeds. [2-LS2-1 is included in other standards, including K-LS1-1 and 2-LS2-3(MA). 2-LS2-2 from NGSS is not included.] LS4. Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity 2-LS4-1. Use texts, media, or local environments to observe and compare (a) different kinds of living things in an area, and (b) differences in the kinds of living things living in different types of areas. Clarification Statements: • Examples of areas to compare can include temperate forest, desert, tropical rain forest, grassland, arctic, and aquatic. • Specific animal and plant names in specific areas are not expected.

I'll leave you with this joke:
What do the wolves of Yellowstone call antelope?
Fast Food!

Friday, May 24, 2019


We had a fun celebration of Arbor Day at the Cole School on May 23rd. Here are a few pictures from our gathering.

Arbor Day for Kids


2-LS4-1. Use texts, media, or local environments to observe and compare (a) different kinds of living things in an area, and (b) differences in the kinds of living things living in different types of areas.

I'll leave you with this joke:

What did the beaver say to the tree?
It’s been nice gnawing you!

Sunday, May 12, 2019


As part of our study of living things and habitats we observed the life cycle of the butterfly and then let our friends fly off on Friday. We really enjoyed them in our classroom!

sorry the other half of the class was on the other bench and I deleted the picture by mistake :(

Painted butterfly

LS4. Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity 2-LS4-1. Use texts, media, or local environments to observe and compare (a) different kinds of living things in an area, and (b) differences in the kinds of living things living in different types of areas.

I'll leave you with this joke: Why wouldn’t the butterfly go to the dance? 
It was a moth ball.

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Our class is so excited! We started a new project this week. We are going to research different habitats and become park rangers. There are six groups that will be researching wetlands, woodlands, grasslands, oceans, rainforests, and desserts. We had to pick roles for our projects (don't forget to ask us what our role is) and then the research began. Take a look at us in action during our first week! Mrs. Sirmaian came in to help us kick it off!

Grade 2 - Life Science Standards

LS2. Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics 2-LS2-3(MA). Develop and use models to compare how plants and animals depend on their surroundings and other living things to meet their needs in the places they live. Clarification Statement: • Animals need food, water, air, shelter, and favorable temperature; plants need sufficient light, water, minerals, favorable temperature, and animals or other mechanisms to disperse seeds. [2-LS2-1 is included in other standards, including K-LS1-1 and 2-LS2-3(MA). 2-LS2-2 from NGSS is not included.] LS4. Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity 2-LS4-1. Use texts, media, or local environments to observe and compare (a) different kinds of living things in an area, and (b) differences in the kinds of living things living in different types of areas. Clarification Statements: • Examples of areas to compare can include temperate forest, desert, tropical rain forest, grassland, arctic, and aquatic. • Specific animal and plant names in specific areas are not expected.

Habitats: What is a habitat?

I'll leave you with this joke:
Q: What do you call a bear with no ears?
A: B!