Friday, April 26, 2019

Dash Speaker

We completed our DASH unit with Jonathan our guest speaker who has a visual impairment.  Jonathan was awesome and answered all our question. Some of our questions were:
Do you have peripheral vision?
Can you play sports?
Can you drive a car?
How are you able to read?
Do you know Braille?

Jonathan's teacher, Mrs. Smith came as well. She explained some of the modifications that she makes to help Jonathan learn with his visual impairment.

We really enjoyed learning during our DASH time and we look forward to participating in DASH again when we get to Spofford Pond!

Thanks Jonathan!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

And here comes the fresh water!

We had a lot of fun investigating the Earth's fresh water sources. We researched 5 different rivers or lakes and presented our findings to our classmates. The five fresh water sources were: The Rhine River, The Amazon River, The Niagara River, Lake Victoria, and Lake Taupo. All of these are located on different continents. After our research, we added these to our relief maps. Ask us about our learning and take a peek at us in action:

2-ESS2-2. Map the shapes and types of landforms and bodies of water in an area. Clarification Statements: • Examples of types of landforms can include hills, valleys, river banks, and dunes. • Examples of water bodies can include streams, ponds, bays, and rivers. • Quantitative scaling in models or contour mapping is not expected. 2-ESS2-3. Use examples obtained from informational sources to explain that water is found in the ocean, rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, and may be solid or liquid. 2-ESS2-4(MA). Observe how blowing wind and flowing water can move Earth materials from one place.

Basics of Freshwater

I'll leave you with this joke:

What did the sea say to the river?
You can run but you can't tide!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Dash session two

We had four learning centers ....... ask us about them!

Grab bag activity

The Perkins Brailler

Learning Braille


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